Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up

It's Family Day here in Ontario. It really doesn't feel like the start of a new week.  Right now we are waiting. Waiting for boys. Matt worked nights last night and so he's sleeping. Spencer is still sleeping, inspite of the fact he's been woken up several times and it's been suggested that he needs to start his day. Cameron is doing homework that he's put off doing on the weekend. Once they are up, and ready to go, hopefully we'll go out and do something familyish with what's left of the day. Anyone have any suggestions? It will definately have to involve food.

Recapping the last week looks something like this:
-last Sunday afternoon I went up to Jackson's and spent a few days with my sister and friends in a cottage. It was Heaven! I slept in (for me) in the mornings, started reading a book, scrapbooked, ate lots, did a little shopping, watched movies, and laughed ... a lot!
-it was back to reality on Thursday!
-Cameron has been in Robotics every day after school this week - again, from 3 - 8ish. Saturday they were there from 8 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. and Sunday from 8 -2. They are being crated this week and sent off to Rochester in preparation for the competition. When I went to pick him up on Saturday he dragged me in to show me the forklift that they have finished and is now working. He's loving every minute of this programme. Best of all, the teachers are loving him and have told us so a few times.
-I got my new pillow from the Chiropractor on Friday. Hopefully it will ease the migrains and the neck pain. ...hopefully I won't leave it behind somewhere when I travel.

Looking ahead
-I'm looking forward to getting back into a normal routine this week as Cameron won't have to stay late for Robotics. Lots of time to catch up on homework.
-Spencer is on his Reading Week this week. He's decided not to go to Ottawa. He and Matt may take off for a couple of days instead and do something.
-big band programme on Saturday at Mississauga. Anyone need tickets? $10 for adults, $5 for children.

Big news! I have a layout that is out in print in a book from Log Your Memories. The book is hitting the market as we speak.
Here's the layout:


  1. Heather4:59 PM

    Our boys are into the Movie thing on Family day, and playing Monolopy or Axis and Allies. Going to see the thriller "Unknown". We watched/re-watched "Mr. Holland's Opus" I love that movie, a great tribute to all music teachers.

    And we have our own Divisional Band Concert next Saturday, the 26th, in London, Impact Brass and Junior Impact Brass (which Benjo plays in). Otherwise would consider attending the Mississauga concert.

  2. @ Heather
    The boys did the movie thing on the weekend so no one was eager to do it again.
    I hope it's a great concert for you on Saturday. It must the the season.

  3. I will contact you about tickets missy.
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been published!
    I knew as soon as I saw the post on LYM.

    I think I need to purchase one :)

  4. Congrats on the pub I just love your layout!!! I'm just trying to get more organized since I've been away and am really hoping for some art time!!

  5. Congrats on getting published - Let us know how your son does in his robotics competition!

  6. Congratulations on the publication!

  7. Congratulations on the pub! That is a great page!

  8. Congratulations on the publication.

    I envy you guys up north, having Family Day. Funny how the USA's allegedly Family Friendly, Family Values crowd hasn't gotten around to giving families a holiday, some time off from work to spend with their loved ones.

    Oh, right. Silly me. They wouldn't want to put a cramp on business as usual: make more money, every day in every way. Dollars are more valuable than families in these parts. Families are only valuable at election time.

  9. Anonymous8:48 AM

    hi, good site very much appreciatted


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