... Cameron is away right now with his school's Robotics Team for a competition. He is really loving every second that he is spending with the team. What a great bunch of kids. I miss him, but I don't miss his mess. I just hope he's keeping up on his school work while he's gone.
...dinnertime is very quiet this week with just three of us
...Benifits of Brass was this last weekend. It was a fund-raising concert for our band's work-team trip to Brazil next summer. I had some wonderful friends who came out and supported it ... and who sat right in the front and kept me amused the whole night.
...I've been sick with a cold this week, thanks to my wonderful husband who loves to give things to me. I think I'm on the mend now.
...we're off the the vet this afternoon with Oliver. He's losing weight, having difficulty eating, and pooping outside of his litter box. Poor guy. I'm afraid of what I might hear.
...changes are coming for my Tuesday scrapping group. We're looking for a new place to hang out.
... Spencer has lost his glasses ... both sets! That means no driving for him until he's able to get a new pair
Joy got some nice pictures from the concert the other night:
Kudos to the photographer.