Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week re-cap

Whew! What a busy week this one has been! I had a lot of fun along the way, but I'm glad it's over. Here's a brief recap:
- I got the trim painted around the front door on the inside - finally. I've been putting off doing that for many months now
- I got the old side board stripped but that's as far as I got on that project
- John was gone from Tuesday to Friday
- I made a couple of trips out to home depot to get some things I need for the projects. I also got some new wood and had them cut it for new doors for the sideboard
- the band was on duty for a funeral on Wednesday afternoon. One of the bandsmen passed away. I didn't know him well (because we've only been attending this church and band for two months now) but he sounded like a wonderful man
- the receptionist from my chiropractor's office passed away suddenly. It was a shock to everyone. I'll miss our weekly chats. She was such a nice woman
-Thursday I went up to Brampton to take my sister to a medical procedure. Afterward we went for lunch.
- I had to spend the day on Friday shopping and making food for the crop on Saturday.
- Saturday was the fundraising crop to raise money for Spencer to go to California. It was held at the new store Scrapbook Queens. The owners, Irena and Joe were so kind to let us host it there. It was a huge success thanks to my wonderful scrap friends who came out.
- after the crop we went for dinner with some of my family to celebrate John's birthday
- Spencer had a busy weekend. He was helping me out at the crop on Saturday and then he was in two different Santa Claus parades
- today was another busy day as we were out to play at two different nursing homes and then Cameron had youth group

I'm tired. But it's good.

Looking ahead:
- i think it will be a slower week for me
- I hope to get the sideboard finished off this week
- Saturday is another fund raising crop but this one I get to go to as an attendee
- Sunday we have The Gift of Christmas concerts that the band is participating in

-posted from my iPod touch.


  1. Are you the one doing the projects? Sounds like fun but I know these kind of projects tend to drag on. Really sad about the receptionist and bandsmen. That's never easy. It sounds like you are quite the busy bee. Honestly I don't know how you do it!!!

  2. Holy Dyna, I'm tired just reading all that you have accomplished!! haha I've been so tired lately I really need to pump the jam!


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