Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Monday, February 01, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For today ...

Outside my window...is a light dusting of snow that is covering the ground. The air is crisp but it's not as cold has it has been for the past few days.
I am thinking... that I need to go and wake up one of the sleeping teenagers in this house, no, make that two. They are on a PD day today, but one of them still needs to go in and check up on one of his exam marks.
I am thankful for... the time John and I spent with Cathy and Don on Friday. We went for dinner and then went to see the Jersey Boys!
I am wearing...my cozy PJs and slippers. I even wore them out to drive Matt up to the Go Bus this morning.
I am remembering...the smiles yesterday from my sons
I am going... for haircuts, and to Costco to pick up pictures.
I am currently reading...a big, fat, nothing. Hopefully I will get started on the next Vampire Diaries this weekend
I am hoping... that we're able to make a very important decision soon.
On my mind... three different friends who are each dealing with different challenges right now.
Noticing that...I spend way too much time on my computer
From the kitchen... Chicken Enchilladas tonight.
Around the house... are stacks of pictures and scrapbook magaizines with marked pages showing a weekend of searching for some inspiration.
One of my favorite things~ feeling inspired. Let's hope that happens.
From my 365 photos for the week...
Monday (evidence of Christmas still in the house)

Tuesday (Matt coming home from school)

Wednesday - exams are finally over, time to play

Thursday (it's a very long day for Cameron. He fell asleep on the couch after school)
Friday (my sweet boy Oliver)

Saturday (One of our favourite possessions)

Sunday (the couch potato)

To participate in the Simple Woman's Daybook and to see others who do, visit this place: http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/


  1. enjoyed your post and your blog.

  2. Great pics. I especially like the one of Oliver - the side lighting is great.

  3. Hi Barbara,
    Sorry to be late checking on your Daybook. Sounds like life is very busy at your place, as usual!

    February is one of my busiest months, with five birthdays. That's my excuse for very little blogging. :( I hope to get back in gear soon.

    Hope you're having a great week.


thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciate the comment and will be sure to stop by and visit your blog.