Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Friday, August 05, 2011


Our week in Tennessee was great! The weather was hot ... very hot ... and humid!
The only time it really rained all week was at night and on our first day there ... when we were half way up a trail on our way to see Grotto Falls.

After the initial "oh no, my hair!" (which only people with curly/frizzy hair can truly understand) I didn't mind because it really cooled us down.

We managed to pack in a lot during the week. We did a lot of hiking, mostly in to see waterfalls.

We also did a lot of scenic drives. It's such gorgeous country there.

We managed to squeeze in some time for just relaxing around the pool at the cabin resort.

This made me very happy: a budding photographer and a couple fo the pictures he captured (he was learning about aperature and shutter speed).
I think I need to pass the camera off to him more often.

We did some horseback riding, and our favourite time of the whole vacation was ziplining.

We had a great time in Tennessee.
We're now at the end of our second week of vacation which was spent in Myrtle Beach.
Watch for that in my next blog post.

While we've had a good time, I think we're all ready to get back home.
I miss Matt and Spencer, even though I've called them everyday.


  1. great pics cameron! lol - the boys are looking at your photos asking "where are ethan and owen?" they don't get that it isn't always about them! btw - uncle john looks like he's lost a bunch more weight. he looks great!

  2. Fantastic photos Barb....glad you had a good time and have fun at the beach!

  3. That place looks so fun, I think I need to go to Tennessee !
    WOW lots of zip line fun this summer for you and some other LBers.
    Awesome photos Barb and Cameron.

  4. Hahaha. I totally get your "oh no my hair" moment. Great photos. You're really making me want to go to Tennessee. Looking forward to seeing you again in the fall!!

  5. Great photos. I love Tennessee. I'm just not so sure I would like the summer humidity.

  6. I thought of camping to TN this year, but ended up going to Erie and camping in PA. I'm glad you had a great time.


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