Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

I just have to keep telling myself "just a few more days".  So much to do.
-camp paperwork to be done and faxed in
-camp training video training that has to be completed
-design team projects to finish and scan
-packing to do - lots of packing and organizing
-exam review day for Cameron tomorrow
-arrangments to be made for Canada Day - boys are playing at Queens Park - how exciting
-gardens need to be weeded, more mulch, and lawns need to be cut - oh, boys.....
-house needs to be cleaned
-pictures need to be edited and put on a stick and taken to Blacks
-grocery shopping for Matt who will be staying home this weekend
-a visit to Best Buy to purchase an internet stick so I can stay connected this summer
-a trip into Toronto to get Matt's laptop screen replaced after it was broke in a very unfortunate accident (that should not have happened - lessons learned!)
-a much needed visit to the Chiropractor

Whew! All this in a couple of days. Can I get it all done?

Today, was a much needed me day though. I was very happy to spend some time out scrapping, laughing, and lunching with a couple of my scrapping girls! What fun! We hope to be able to squeeze in another day like this over the summer months.

1 comment:

  1. Busy momma.....it's makin' me tried just reading it.
    Slower days are on their way for you.....I hope.


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