Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY(January 18th)

Outside my window... it's dull and grey. There's no snow on the ground, just brown grass.

I am thinking... that I need to get some energy. I've still been in post-Christmas recovery mode, I think. It's time to get moving around here.

I am thankful for... that Spencer got his university applications in. He's narrowed down his choices, but he will still have some big decisions when the acceptances start coming in.

What I learned this past week... that sometimes second chances pay off in the end if you're willing to look at things with new eyes.

From the kitchen... Satay Chicken Noodles. I will have a housefull of very happy boys tonight. Hopefully there will be enough left overs for lunch tomorrow. YUM!

I am wearing... white track pants and a cardigan. I will need to put on some real clothes soon.

I am creating... more layouts and a big mess. That's a good thing.

I am going... to the Chiropractor and then to the grocery store. (usual Monday morning routine after a weekend of boys eating everything in sight.)

I am reading... nothing at the moment. I have the next book in the Vampire Diaries series sitting beside my bed but I just don't feel compelled right now to pick it up.

I am hoping... that Seneca College doesn't go on strike next month.

I am hearing... sweet silence.

Around the house... my lack of motivation is evident in the mess everywhere. I have my work cut out for me today.

One of my favorite things... seeing old friends.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Lots of housework, Lunch Bunch, lunch and shopping day on Wednesday, Chiropractor appointments, doctor appointment, band rehersals ... a few of them

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... my project 365 pics for last week:

Monday - John and Spencer doing the university applications online.

Tuesday - an early morning for Matt as he heads off to the Go Bus to go to school. (don't you love his new leather jacket - it was his Christmas gift.)

Wednesday - my new chandelier in my dining room.

Thursday - Spencer practising piano. I never get tired of hearing him play.

Friday - the school run to pick up Cameron (I was trying to be very discreet so no one got nervous of me taking a picture of kids.)

Saturday - There is always someone on this computer.

Sunday - My Log Your Memories logbook. I'm really enjoying it!

To participate in this Daybook, or to read others who do, go here: http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/


  1. I also have much to clean up today. Hope you can get everything accomplished and back in place.

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. I just LOVE Satay noodles. Enjoy them. I hope you have a great week.

  3. Wish I knew what decision my eldest is going to make when all his university offers are in. One day he's certain it will be the one place, the next it's another. sigh, got to put it in God's hands and trust that God is in charge no matter what decision eldest makes.

  4. Great daily photos! I'm gonna go check out that website. This logbook idea sounds cool.

  5. I love that you are doing the photos! I hope you keep it up. I love the logbook! I think that's a great idea and I will certainly look more into that! Have a fabulous day!

  6. Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing about your day.


  7. Anonymous6:09 PM

    First, I love the hair on your son in the red shirt in your header.
    I looked at all of your layouts and there are some great ideas there. I've just gotten into scrapping lately but I like it. I'll be back for more inspiration.
    I enjoyed the daybook. I've not been very productive this month either. Part of it is the cold, gloomy weather. Today it is warm and the sun is shinning. I spent some time in the garage and filled up the garbage can.
    Mama bear

  8. Isn't ashamed we have to be so careful of taking pictures now in case someone gets suspicious. I've never had Satay noodles. I will have to look them up.

  9. love this post i have copied it and plan to do it on the 18th of every month. Great photos from the week too!!

  10. That logbook sounds like a great idea - love your photos

  11. Sending good thoughts and lots of energy your way. I love getting a peek into your life with these posts. :)


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