Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Blogging friend, Joyce gave me this Beautiful Blogger Award. How nice. Thanks Joyce.

The award comes with the following responsibilities:
1. I must thank the person who bestowed this honor upon me.
2. Copy the award and place it on my blog.
3. Link to the bestower’s site.
4. Enumerate seven interesting things about myself. Here they are - I'm not sure how interesting they will be:

-we lived in Barbados for 5 years. We moved there when Matt was 4 and Spencer was 2. Cameron was born there 2 years later. It was a great experience and I would love to live abroad again some day - maybe when Cameron is done school
-I was born and raised in the Salvation Army. We are raising our own boys in the Salvation Army, and music (banding) is a big part of our life. We all play, John and the boys play the cornet, and I play the flugal horn. It's been wonderful having one thing that our family all does together.
-I have three boys, no girls. ...and I love it!!! I find that most mothers don't believe me when I say that, but it's true. I don't miss having a daughter at all (maybe someday I will) but I find the relationship between mother in son is just so special
-I crave organization in my world. I'm not saying that my house is always perfect ... far from it, but I love, and need, to have everything organized.
-Here's one you may not want to know about me - I can burp! I used to have burping competitions with my brother growing up and I won almost every time.
-I'm a bit of a tomboy. I like getting all dressed up once in a while, but I prefer to be in jeans and a t shirt. I would much rather be hanging out with the boys, doing more active things. I'm not into going to the spa, having facials or manicures.

-I'm an introvert and a homebody. I'm happiest when I'm home, and in my comfy close with all my chicks in the nest.

5. Nominate seven bloggers that I find beautiful:
-my good friend, Milena of http://milenarae.blogspot.com/
-another friend, Janet http://imblogginglol.blogspot.com/
-and yet another friend, Joy http://thejoyofcreativity.blogspot.com/


  1. Thanks Barbara! I'll post it over the weekend. It will give me time to think of seven interesting things about myself. :)

  2. Hi, Barbara,
    I loved the interesting things about you. You would really like my almost 18 year old daughter Rebecca; she's a burping champion!

    It must have been amazing living on Barbados. That must be an interesting story. Will you tell it someday?

    Take care!

  3. thank you so very much, im really struggling to think of 7 interesting things about me ... i loved reading those facts about you though :) thanks for sharing!!

  4. You are so sweet Barb!! Thank you!! Will you burp for me next week??

  5. Linda (lind)8:51 PM

    Love your blog Barbara. Nice pictures and I loved reading about you and your family. I am inspired to make my own top memories for 2009, although maybe not 100!!


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