Welcome to a day in my life. I can't guarantee that this will be an exciting read for anyone. My life is filled with all the mundane activities of a stay-at-home-mom just trying to raise her three sons to be the best men they can be.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I decided to kick my creativity into high gear (especially before December hits and I'm forced to put it all on hold.) I love using sketches when I scrapbook so I signed up for Sketchapalooza. It's a fast paced class that lasts for 4 weeks with 20 different sketches (4 each week). It started this week and so far we have had two sketches. Wanna see the finished layouts? Well, even if you don't, here they are:

This is a layout about my friend, Deb, who got engaged a few months ago. I'm so happy for her.

And one about the special bond I have with Rick (my younger brother with Downs Syndrome)

If you're interested in joining in on the fun, I'm sure it's not too late. Just go here: http://feelingscrappyclasses.blogspot.com/search/label/Classes


  1. love the one with uncle rick!!!

  2. Both of these layouts are stunning! Can't wait to see your interpretations of the other sketches!

  3. love those layouts Barb and I am happy for Deb too

  4. Great layout with Rick. A beautiful layout for a special message and for a special guy.


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